Helpful Tips for dealing with Bloating from Endometriosis

Helpful Tips for dealing with Bloating from Endometriosis.

Ugh if your anything like me, then you have experienced the dreaded “Endo Belly”…. you know when you are so bloating that your pants all of a sudden no longer fit. It seems that there is nothing in your closet that could possibly hide your belly.  People wonder if they should congratulate you… but your response “nope just good old Endo Belly.”  Over time I have learned some Helpful Tips for dealing with Bloating from Endometriosis …. so let’s check them out!

Watch that Salt!
I know I am sure that there are certain times that you crave a nice, salty bag of chips… but too much salt equals water retention.  Avoid processed or packaged food since they are usually loaded with extra sodium. When cooking instead of reaching for the salt, add some fresh herbs to your dishes.

Meditate, Breathe, Meditate
Stress leads to Hormone Imbalances.  We all know that stress causes havoc on our bodies, finding healthy ways to deal with stress is key for balancing your hormones.  Trying different things such as an Epsom salt bath, meditation, physical activity, spending time with your loved one, reading your favorite book may help reduce those stressful times.

Water, Water, Water
I know it sounds crazy, even I wasn’t too happy about this one.  How could I possibly drink more water, when I felt like my body was about to float away in the ocean from being so bloated. However, water helps flush out toxins and excess salt in our bodies. So even when it feels like you can’t possibly fit anymore, keep hydrating.

I hope you are learning a lot from our Helpful Tips for dealing with Bloating from Endometriosis.

What’s your Trigger
Watch out for food sensitivity…. what are your food triggers? Food sensitivity increase inflammation in our bodies. Inflammation may also cause us to hold onto more water. So make sure you are eating foods that are healthy for your body and avoid those trigger foods.

Where’s the Potassium?
Potassium helps balance sodium, so it’s important to keep things balanced. Some of my favorite foods that are a great source of potassium are bananas, spinach, apricots, melons, and beans.

Keep things moving, moving, moving
Constipation creates bloating. I know, I know it’s no one’s favorite subject. However, healthy bowel movements are important to help rid the waste in our bodies.  Keep hydrated,  make sure you are consuming enough fiber and getting your physical activity in.

Get a Glow while flowing
Dry brushing is a great way to help get rid of toxins and keep things moving. Added bonus it leaves your skin looking amazing and it’s a great self-care routine to add.  Never done dry brushing, Mind-Body Green has awesome step by step instructions, check it out.


Its Tea Time
I love a nice warm cup of tea, especially if it has great benefits. Some of my favorite teas during an endometriosis belly flare are ginger tea, dandelion tea, peppermint tea, and green tea.

Herbal Remedies.
One of my go-to herbal remedies is Earthley’s Digest Support.   I use it daily to help with bloating, and digestive distress. It contains 100% organic herbs like dandelion root, orange peel, cinnamon, and fennel seeds.  Earthley also has Digest-Ease, GutHealth oil, and lots more to help support digestion. Learn more about their amazing products here.

Don’t forget to check out Top Foods that may help with Endo Belly.

Health & Happiness 






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