Anti Inflammatory Diet and Endometriosis.

Every day there seems to be a new “diet” that pops up and we find ourselves wondering if we should try it.  I have spent years trying out the latest diets or fads that came along, always chasing the weight loss or “feeling good” results.  Most of the time, I ended up not feeling my best and completely stopping. After my diagnosis, I started to look more into nutrition and how it could affect Endometriosis.    I started to read and learn about an Anti Inflammatory diet and Endometriosis.

You might be thinking,  another crazy diet where I can’t eat anything.  An anti-Inflammatory diet is filled with tons of whole, nutrient-dense foods, that still taste great.  As I wrote in Why Nutrition is Important for Endometriosis blog, there are certain foods that can trigger a reaction/inflammation. Common foods like gluten, dairy, sugar, caffeine, processed foods, etc.  I believe that each of us is an individual, with our own needs. Certain foods may be an issue and others not at all.  We can work together to find out which foods are your “trigger foods.”

Let’s continue on…

What exactly is an Anti-Inflammatory Diet?
An anti-inflammatory diet is a way of eating that doesn’t cause an inflammatory reaction.

What can cause inflammation?
Our immune system becomes active when something foreign invades our body.  This can be injury, infection, environmental chemicals, pathogens, etc.  Foods that are high in refined grains, alcohol, dairy, gluten, sugar, and processed foods can alter our gut microbiome and cause immune changes. Chronic inflammation can be damaging to our health.

What should I avoid?
Some of the common inflammatory foods that should be avoided or limited are refined carbohydrates (white bread, pasta, baked goods), fried foods, foods high in sugar, processed foods, unhealthy fats (omega 6), dairy, gluten, red meats, caffeine.

What type of foods are anti-inflammatory?
There are lots of great foods that have anti-inflammatory properties. Here are some to get you started:  tomatoes, extra-virgin olive oil, green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale, etc), nuts (almonds, walnuts), Fatty Fish (salmon, tuna, sardines, etc), Fruits (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cherries) and avocados.  You can also add some green tea, turmeric, and dark chocolate (70% cocoa & higher).

To help you feel overwhelmed, start gradually. Make small changes over the course of a couple of weeks. Experiment with different foods to see what you like.  Set a goal to maybe try a new food each week.

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Eat Well, Live Well, Be Well 




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